Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to Have a Safer, Chemical-Free Halloween


As another Halloween rolls around, I want to talk about the monsters out there, lurking in your costumes and decorations. Try buying and using products that are safer for you, and kinder on the environment. Below are some things you can do to make Halloween fun and safe for your family.

1. When you think about costumes, think about the three R's. Use the same outfit from before. Trade with someone. Look for websites, or throw your own swapping party. Resell it on E-bay. Not only is it good for the environment, it's good for the wallet, too! You can even try making your own out of earth-friendly goods.

2. Opt for safer or homemade face paint/make-up. Face paints usually contain lead, nickel, cobalt or chromium. Nail polish, lipstick, eyeshadow, powders and fragrances are all harmful, too.

3. Don't wear synthetic masks or teeth. You don't always know what you are wearing-even if there is a label. Most likely, you are wearing something toxic. Have you ever noticed that awful smell when you put a mask on? Ever wonder what it is you have been inhaling the whole night? Fake teeth may contain BPA-a toxin found in many plastics.

4. Ditch the colored hairsprays. The toxic fumes can easily be inhaled. Buy eco-friendly candles. Regular ones can give off toxic fumes and are bad for the environment.

5. Decorate naturally. Use nature's gifts to decorate your home! There is an endless assortment of things you can create with fruits, veggies, leaves and rocks.

6. Use energy efficient LED lights.

7. Planning or going to a party? Skip the disposable dinnerware and use the real thing. You can also use compostable products, if you must.

8. Give out healthy treats instead of candy. Or, opt for sugar-free candy.

9. Instead of trick-or-treating for candy, do it for a charity.

And remember...every little bit helps!

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