Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Another Lead Alert!

California Watchdog Group is once again warning about lead found in various products from several different companies. Check out the rest of the story to see who the offenders are, and for a list of some products that tested safe.


Have a great week!

And remember...every little bit helps!


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Five Ways for a Greener Thanksgiving


Year after year, consumers throw away countless amounts of money on the holidays. By cutting back on needless spending, we can help animals, the environment, our health, and our wallets.

1. Don't buy disposable plates, cups, plastic ware, etc. Use the real thing if you can. Yes, it is a little more work, but well worth it.

2. Try a vegetarian Thanksgiving feast! Turkeys, and your body, will be saying, "Thank You!"

3. Buy foods that are local and organic. Don't forget the reusable shopping bags!

4. Shut off oven 5 minutes early and let the built up heat finish cooking the food.

5. Have your Thanksgiving dinner by candlelight.

Remember...every little bit helps!


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lead in Reusable Shopping Bags

Recent tests have shown questionable amounts of lead in the bags we use as we try to help the environment. A few supermarkets have even stopped carrying some of these bags. There seems to be a lot of mixed views on this one. Once again, we try to take a step forward, and just go right on back! When will they test products for safety BEFORE, they hit the shelves?

More info in the links below.

Don't forget to wash those bags, too!

And remember, a little green always helps!


