Thursday, November 3, 2011

Help PETA Stop Chick-Fil-A

Chick-Fil-A is running an ad using elephants that are abused. Even if you eat animals, you can still ensure that they are treated decently while they are alive.

Please sign the petition below.

And remember...every little bit helps!


Friday, July 1, 2011

Hyland's Cold 'n Cough 4 Kids

-no artificial colors/flavors


-100% Natural

I recently bought this for my 4 yr. old. I'm cautious about meds for her after all the recalls, but have used Hyland's myself, with positive results. So I gave it a try. Not sure what the flavor is, but she likes it. The moment she took it, the cough went away. She's feeling better and actually asks me if it's time for her meds yet. The package is also recyclable. A product I would buy again.


Walgreen's Renew Naturals Bio-Degradable Baby Wipes

-vitamin E, aloe and tea tree oil enriched
-chlorine & alcohol Free
-scored 3/10 w/limited data on EWG's site.

These wipes have a lot of great perks, but my search continues. They still have some bad chemicals, and is the packaging recyclable? I also find the wipes to be a bit difficult to get out of the packaging. However, at 2/$5 (in my area) they are the best I have found & what I continue to use.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

One of My Favorite Sites

If you look at the right sidebar, under My Favorite Sites, you will see EWG's Cosmetic Safety Database. This site is fantastic! It is a green person's bible!

When I first got into a healthier lifestyle, I found this site. It is full of all kinds of great information.

You can look up products you want to buy, or have already bought, and find out the hazard level on a scale of 1 - 10. If the product is not in their database, you can become a member (for free), and do your own report!

This website is a great tool for referencing and learning a new thing or two!

Check it out, you will be doing yourself a favor!

Remember...every bit helps!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Help Stop Toxins Found in Fire Retardant Materials

Please sign this petition through and help eliminate the dangerous toxins that are in foam and flame retardant materials.


And remember...every little bit helps!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sign EWG's Safe Cosmetics petition!

A lot of personal care products out there are not safe...that goes for women, men, and kids. Do you really have any idea what's in the products you use daily?

If you are not familiar with the Environmental Working Group site, I strongly urge you to check it out. It really opened my eyes and is a very helpful site I use weekly. The link is on the sidebar to the right of my blog, under Favorites - Cosmetic Safety Database.

Have a great week!

And remember...every bit helps!


Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Thought on Smoking...

Perhaps one of life's biggest challenges is to learn empathy for others. One thing that really irks me is the attitude of some smokers and non-smokers. I have seen a few instances in which people attack each other over their disagreeing views. It has almost escalated to the point of violence a few times. However, lines do need to be drawn and people pointing fingers should look at themselves first. Both sides have rights.

I wonder what would have happened if the scenarios had gone differently. Everyone disagrees. What is important is how we do it and how we tolerate others who disagree with us. We do not need to attack, harass, or threaten physical harm to those we are in disagreement with. This does nothing but close the doors on either side coming to a compromise or learning tolerance for the other. So smokers, please be mindful of non-smoker's feelings. And to non-smokers who attack, please remember - that smoker may not be aware of their "offense" to you, so try talking to them before attacking them. Cigarette smoke may be bad, but so are the emissions from your car and the meat you eat!

And for fellow smokers, here are five tips to help you help the environment.

1. Use an ashtray for your butts when outside and in the car. You can buy portable and pocket ashtrays for this.

2. Volunteer for a coastal clean-up to make up for all those butts you HAVE thrown on the ground. You'll be amazed at how many are on the beach. Yuck!

3. If you smoke in the car, make it a rule that passengers cannot throw butts (or any litter) out the window if they want a ride.

(Stand by #3. You may look weird/mean, but they will know you are serious!)

4. Try organic hemp wicks instead of lighters. They are better for you and the environment! I recently received a free sample, and though it's a bit different, I liked it.

5. Find ways to politely inform others about #1-5. I'm happy to say that I have made my partner more aware of his cigarette butts and they now go into the proper place - well, 95% of the time.

Thanks for reading!

Have a blessed week and remember...every bit helps!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Support Ca Bill to Label GE Fish

If you've read some of my other posts, then you know that I am strongly against GMOs/GEOs. They are horrible for our bodies and hurt the environment. Please join me in sending a message to Health Committee members.


And remember...every little bit counts!


World Week for Animals in Laboratories

Yesterday was the start of World Week for Animals in Laboratories. Peta has a great blog with some pointers on how you can help. Evenly if it is only for this week!

Remember...every little bit helps!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Earth Week/Veg Week/Earth Day!(April 22)

I love the month of April. Besides it being my birth month, April is crammed full of earth day related events! Around the world, people will be doing things (big AND small) to help Mother Earth. What will YOU be doing to celebrate Earth Week/Day? See below for some simple green tips and related links to Earth Day.

1. Plant flowers or a tree, or make a home for birds/frogs in your yard.

2. Volunteer time to coastal clean-ups, or school/park beautification events.

3. If you smoke, put your butts in the trash. Make sure they are fully extinguished first.

4. Walk, bike, skate, scooter or carpool around. It's also better for your body!

5. Skip that next car wash.

6. Make a small, but permanent, green change.

learn and participate in veg week:

And remember...a little green always helps!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Center for Food Safety's Virtual Rally for the Right to Know -Please join us!

There is a very important rally going on today- in the Internet world and the REAL world. People across the U.S. are coming together to send a virtual message to Congress: Label genetically engineered foods! We have a right to know what we are putting into our bodies. And we have a right to an organic lifestyle.

It's very easy. Use the link below. Just fill in the contact info on the page, click and you're done.

Thanks for your support!

And remember...every little bit helps!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

An Article of Change

My wonderful friend has written this thought-provoking article for The Huffington Post that I wanted to share with you. The topic is about corporate giving and social responsibility. Even if you are just one successful person, this article is for you. We all owe our 10%.


New Lawsuit Against GE Alfalfa

A new lawsuit was recently filed against the USDA. It challenges the approval of GE Alfalfa being grown without any restrictions. There are all kinds of groups, from organic farmers to environmental ones, challenging this approval.

Besides the concerns listed in an earlier blog dated Oct. 2010, approval to plant poses a huge threat to organic farmers and consumers. See links below for more reading.

And remember...every little bit helps!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Five Ways to Help the Environment

1. Don't throw away those worn, damaged shoes! Take them to a shoe cobbler. You can usually fix them for less than it costs for a new pair and help the environment. Remember to try and find an Eco-friendly shoe cobbler.

2. Reuse large containers as piggy banks. We decorate and use Nesquik containers to put box tops for education clippings in. Help the environment and schools at the same time!

3. Don't throw away medication that is expired/unused. Some pharmacies like Walgreen's let you drop off meds there. See the links below.

4. If you aren't using rechargeable batteries, start. You'll save money and help the environment. Recycle all used batteries instead of throwing them in the trash. I believe that Walgreen's also does this.(I haven't filled up my reusable battery recycling bag yet.)

5. Recycle your cell phones and electronics. Sometimes money from these items are used to support schools.

Remember, every little bit helps!